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New Insoles

Comprehensive Custom Orthotics Services in Whitby

At PhysioRehab Group Whitby, we understand the importance of proper foot alignment and support for overall body wellness. Our custom orthotics services are designed to address various foot conditions and enhance your mobility and comfort.

Personalized Assessment and Design

Our experienced team begins by conducting a thorough assessment of your foot structure and gait pattern. Using advanced technology and expertise, we analyze your biomechanics to identify any issues or imbalances. 


Based on our assessment findings, we meticulously design custom orthotics that are tailored to your unique foot shape and specific needs. Whether you're dealing with arch pain, plantar fasciitis, or other foot conditions, our orthotics provide targeted support and alignment.

Fitting Orthotic Insoles
New Insoles

Superior Quality and Comfort

We prioritize quality and comfort in every pair of custom orthotics we create. Using durable materials and precise craftsmanship, we ensure that your orthotics offer long-lasting support and cushioning.


Our orthotics are also designed with your comfort in mind. They are lightweight, breathable, and easily fit into your footwear, allowing you to go about your daily activities with ease.

Benefits of Custom Orthotics

Pain Relief:

Custom orthotics alleviate foot pain by providing proper support and alignment, reducing strain on muscles and joints.

Enhanced Performance:

Athletes and active individuals benefit from custom orthotics, which optimize biomechanics and reduce the risk of injuries.

Improved Posture:

By correcting foot alignment, custom orthotics help improve overall posture and body mechanics.

Preventive Care:

Custom orthotics can prevent the progression of foot conditions and alleviate stress on vulnerable areas of the feet.

Image by Katherine Hanlon
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Your Path to Better Foot Health

Don't let foot pain hold you back from enjoying life to the fullest. Visit PhysioRehab Group Whitby to experience the transformative benefits of custom orthotics. Our dedicated team is committed to providing personalized care and innovative solutions for your foot health needs. Schedule your assessment today and take the first step towards better foot health and overall well-being.

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